Marlene Henrique Roessiger · Wednesday, February 24, 2016
Are you up for a challenge?
After Ice challenge, preaching challenge, motherhood challenge, here comes: TRUTH CHALLENGE. I challenge you to speak the TRUTH for the rest of your life.
So many people full of Truth are hiding it. During the day, they talk about anything else but Truth. They post jokes, cute pictures, recipes, they are just a regular citizen of this World but at night they are burning like bright lamps being consumed by the fire of the Lord and His zeal. They cry out for this lost humanity seating in the church chairs or seating alone in their dark rooms. They have felt His pain. They have drunk from the cup of His suffering. But they highest level of boldness is inboxing someone. It is having a secret “meeting” like Nicodemus did, a conversation in the private. They whisper Truth. They click “like” after somebody else spoke the Truth.
I want to challenge you to shout it LOUD then ever!
Many have shut the door of their churches not letting the prophetic voice to come in, but Truth is coming in any how through technology and they have no more control over it. I saw in the Spirit many leaders having to give answers to their members because somebody has spoke TRUTH and they are all questioning and thinking about it.
Do you believe that you may be the voice crying out in the wilderness? Why hide it then? Self preservation? Pride? Shame? Fear of the stones? Fear of losing? Fear of confrontation? Fear of offending someone? I get that. I have been there for many, many years. Until I understood what true love really looks like! You lay down your own life, your reputation, your friends and family, for the sake of one. But you will lose, but you will gain eternal reward!
How we need to eat, hear, talk about TRUTH today! How can they believe it if nobody preach it? Speak TRUTH with pure heart and no hidden agendas …The driven reason has to be only this : a deep consuming love for their souls. So, speak TRUTH up! No man, says the Word, when he has lit a candle, put it in a secret place, neither under a bushel, but on a candlestick, that they which come in may see the light. It is time to let TRUTH shine before all man! Let's bother them! Because we refuse to let them going astray! Because we refuse to let them to be deceived!
So, I say! Come out, Jeremiahs! Get on that roof top! Shout out loud! No more fear! No more intimidation! No more silence! No more whispering! No more avoiding conflicts! No more trying to be acceptable! I break the fear off of you! I speak healing over you that was stoned once and promised yourself never say a word again! I speak that you will love Truth and will die for its sake! Talk about the rock of offense! Talk about the ONLY way! Talk about sin! Talk about redemption only with the cross! Talk about holiness! Talk about what nobody wants to talk about! Be bold as a lion! Truth! Love! Mercy! Arise, preachers of righteousness!
From this day on, “ But if YOU say, "I will not mention his word or speak anymore in his name," his word is in YOUR heart like a fire, a fire shut up in YOUR bones. YOU are weary of holding it in; indeed, YOU cannot….(Jeremiah 20:9)
The TRUTH challenge is here, are you in?
Marlene Roessiger
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