When you know what Judas looks like in you, you will know what it looks like in another! Spotting a Judas in your inner circle can become very easy to spot or to predict because of the makeup it requires to form a Judas! Who is your Judas? If it’s not you, it can very well end up being someone around you if they do not change their ways. A Judas doesn’t happen overnight but develops over time.

\What are the signs of a Judas to come? It’s those who always deny their cross. They resist the fire. Those who never deny themselves. Those who always fight the Word. Those who always fight your counsel, fight correction, and fight God. Those who always justify themselves, those who never humble themselves, who would rather present themselves in false humility. Those who always cover for those who need to be corrected because they see themselves in that person and would not want the same for themselves, so why would they want their brother to be corrected because they themselves cannot be corrected?

They do not cover for people in love; they cover for people in fig leaves. In selfishness, because they do unto others as they do unto themselves, but what they do unto themselves is hide from God, and they make proselytes and teach others the same without realizing it. They will always fend for those they like and not love those they struggle with. They hang out with carnal people. They are closer to carnal people than spiritual people. They protect man-pleasers because they use them as eunuchs. They always form factions. They have no longevity and faithfulness in what they do. And if they do, there is always an entitlement to it! They’re always plotting, always have an agenda, and are wayward. Often, they come with false dreams and divination. 

They speak to other men's lust and desires to win them over, stiff-necked, always fighting the truth. Always acting like they receive, but deep down, the seed never enters in because they are just trying to please you to deceive you! They always deny the power. They are carnal in thinking. They are offended easily; they see through leviathan’s eyes. They always divert what God is saying. They always switch the focus on themselves. Never discerning, always seeing people on the surface level from a carnal perspective, always knowing men by the flesh. Never able to judge because they are not spiritual men but carnal. Always looking at others instead of themselves. Always seeing through a plank, thinking everyone else has the same problem, but their sight is blinded by what they refuse to see in themselves and calling it out in everyone else. They call spiritual discernment: Gossip. 

They wear two different coats when it comes to people they want to impress and present themselves as something they’re not, and often manifest in a super-spiritual way to win over spiritual people. They are chameleons and shapeshifters, always changing who they are and how they act based on who is around them. Always blaming you for their problems and always submitting in their own way. Never doing what they have seen and heard. Always touting their works to show you their obedience because they are doing things unto you and not unto God! Losing their rewards because their reward is with you. Always keeping record, always remembering the bad but never remembering the good. Always complaining but rarely encouraging. Ready to tear down others even if what they are saying is true, but their agenda is to build up themselves! Always taking the Body around the mountain because they are the mountain. Full of indignation. Never telling the full story when they gossip, always painting the wrong picture about you to others. Hidden jabs, secret vows, never giving genuine honor, always flattering. Satisfied with a form of godliness and never hungry for power because, in their eyes, they are godly enough! Always acting the part but never becoming the part! Some will repent and become Jonathans and some God knows their end! Jesus knew what Judas would do before Judas knew what he would do. Do you know your Judas? Do you know those the enemy wants to produce as such? 

It’s your Esaus, those who would give up spiritual things for carnal things! It’s your Korahs, who want it to be about them more than anything. Your Absaloms, who are willing to court the people to bring you down. The Cains who are always focused on their brother. The Sauls, always focused on what the people think about them more than what God thinks. A heart after the heart of man rather than the Heart of God. Then when people give you the attention that they want, it kindles their jealousy! These are very easy to spot, their agendas are obvious, and the signs are clear, but will they repent and turn from their ways? There is hope for some! There is a sifting, there is a choice, there is a chance. It is up to every man, this Gospel, deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Me is what divides the Judases from the Peters. The Sauls from the Jonathans. The Jacobs from the Esaus. 

It’s the carnal who say they can see, and as long as they say that, there is no hope for them to see. They are set in their ways. They are confident in their own eyes. Reliant on their own abilities, in the arm of the flesh. Their wisdom is the wisdom of men with biblical justification. Their knowledge is their pride, their understanding is their teacher. They never see the wisdom in taking upon themselves the Fear of God. Like Ahab, they always say to those who speak truth, “You never speak well of me.” They trample under Micaiah, always after Elijah. Questioning Moses. Quarreling with David, like Saul. Remember, Saul became David's Judas. Esau became Jacob’s Judas. Korah became Moses’s Judas. Cain became Abel’s. 

There’s always going to be a Judas around, but do not fear them because they are only helping you face your cross. Get purified in your Fire. They are turning you more into love the more they release their hate, and your kindness is burning hot coals of fire upon them to give them a chance to repent. Don’t take it personally; anyone who falls upon the other side of the sword can become your Judas. It’s not their problem with you; It's their problem with God! Remove yourself from the situation and realize it has nothing to do with you, but it is a natural thought of this fallen nature for a man to think it has to do with another man! Ultimately, their problem is not with you, it's with this Gospel! They are fighting the Word because they are holding on to their will, and they are fighting you because you're preaching it!

The more they make it about you, the more you will see it’s about Jesus. The more of Jesus you have, the more Judas you will see. Only those who choose to be set apart even further with you can stay in that Jonathan and David inner circle. Those who choose to resist the refining, the shaping, the molding, the dying, the purifying, the correction, the rebuke, and the chastising will always be in the outer courts. Some will help, but some may never come close to you because they have chosen their place or their ceiling. Some were so close, and now they are so far because they once chose the fire, the cross, the refining, the correction, and the humbling but then, they had enough. And now, they’re distant. Close in the flesh but far in the Spirit. And it has nothing to do with you but with God! Do you want to keep getting closer and closer to God? You will start to move further and further from others because they are not moving closer with you. The more Truth Jesus preached, the fewer disciples He had (John 6:66). 

“Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword. For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. And a man's foes shall be they of his own household. He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me. He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.” Matthew 10:34-39 

Thought this scripture was only about the world and us? Think again! There is a sifting in the House of God because the sharper the sword gets, the more refined a family becomes, even in the Kingdom. There is a demonic division, and there is a division between those who choose to go deeper and those who never learn to swim and remain shallow. The shallow waters are where Judases are found, Leviathan is found, Jezebel, Ahab, Religion, Absalom, Korah, Cain, Esau, and so on! Because in The Deep, these spirits drown! But in the shallow, they have just enough foothold of the earth to remain with those who are called but can never touch those who are chosen. In the deep is where you will find the chosen! But in the shallow, you will find those who have separated from the land but are still standing on the sand, still connected to the land. Looking like they’re in, but their feet are still touching the ground! For their sake, God will sideline them to protect them and give them space to repent. Move through them but not to their full potential in Christ because of the potential of their heart! Carnal people enjoy them because their spirit doesn't bother their demons. Mavericks speak into their lives as if they are doing well because they share the same spirit. 

Never play their game because, in the end, all they want to do is blame you with solid evidence. They will give you a hard time for a long time and put pressure on you until you crack! That’s the moment they got you. That’s the moment they can justify their betrayal and slander you, and in some cases, lead a revolt against you, just like Judas tried to do with the disciples when the perfume was poured on Jesus’s feet. The same solution to be separated from a Judas spirit within you is the same solution for those trying to avoid a Judas trap from someone else. The solution is: Be purified! The Fire is your protection. The Cross is your distinction. Coming under the sword of the Word of God yourself is how you will slip the enemy because he won’t be able to find a place in you! Modern Judases are working with the enemy to find something in you. It is an accuser of the brethren spirit waiting in the shadows to expose its brother!  

The more set apart you are, the further you are from that spirit grabbing a hold of you or getting a hold of you through someone else! Judas’ spirits want you to betray them so they can say I didn’t betray you, you betrayed me. They’re egging you on for betrayal subtly so they can look like the victim in the end. Never stop dying! Because the devil cannot find a place in a dead man. The devil can't trap a dead man. A dead man can’t betray anyone. A dead man is not affected by the heart of Judas. Jesus was dead before He died on the cross. He was the walking dead because He was dead to Himself. Death is what sustained Him. Death is what kept Him sharp and on the narrow way until the end! Even when the ones He loved tried to get Him to deny the cross, He could not deny it because He was already hanging on It! It was His own Gospel that kept Him until the end. And it’s that same Gospel, deny yourself, pick up your cross, and follow Me, that will keep you until the end. 

By Joe Pinto

More to Reference: 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Luke 9:23

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