You know what’s insanity to me? Thinking you can be friends with a Prophet and not be corrected.

Thinking you can be friends with an Apostle but be at enmity with the Word. That is insanity!

Some people talk about how if they could live in biblical past times and live with one of the Prophets or Apostles, how awesome that would be. Yet they stone all the modern ones! Do you really think you would be friends with Elijah? Most men of God in the Bible had little to no friends, just like Jesus when most of His disciples left Him. Maybe most of His disciples left Him because they weren’t following Jesus; they were following miracles, signs, and wonders. And when it came down to becoming one with the Word of God, they left Him! And what did Peter say? When the 12 stayed, and Jesus asked if they would leave, too, he said, “Where will we go, Lord, for You have the Words of Eternal Life!

It always comes down to the Word! The Word is a sword that divides joint from marrow, spirit from soul. Father against son, daughter against mother, daughter-in-law against mother-in-law. Why? Because many are at enmity with the Word because the Word is a sword that is here to cut us asunder from the will of man, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of life, which is the nature of man from the fall of Adam. To hang out with a prophet is to hang out with someone whose gifting is against your very nature! Just like it says in Romans, the Spirit is against the Flesh and the Flesh against the Spirit. The Spirit of Elijah is here to burn up every carnal desire, every worldly imagination and passion. So, when you come to hang out with a prophet, you come to die. When you come to hang out with an Apostle, you come to be changed. Or else you have come to be divided because these giftings will not bend to the will of man or be at peace with the heart of man if the heart of man is contrary to The Heart of God. 

That’s the only way to have true friendship and enjoyable fellowship with any Apostle or Prophet, to bend to the Word of God and to heed to the Fire of God because when they preach, they preach with Fire, and when that Fire hits you, it comes to purify you! To set you apart, cut you asunder, and set you at variance with anyone or anything that is at variance with God or with what God has for you. These giftings carry hammers in their hands, ready to smash religion, tradition, doctrines of devils, false theologies, and ideologies of men. These kinds don’t just have the gifting; they are the gifting, meaning they don’t just operate in their offices when they come under an atmosphere of His presence. They are who they are 24/7, 365. Their minds, their DNA, are infused with who they are in the Spirit, and no man can change that. When you try to change a Prophet or Apostle, you are not just trying to hijack their gifting; you're changing who they are at their very core! 

The only way to truly be close to a true Apostle or a true Prophet is to become a friend of the Word, to bend to the Word. Jesus said, “You are my friends if you do what I say." From the beginning of Jesus’s ministry, Mary said, “Whatever He tells you, do it." That is the anointing on any true 5-fold minister that has been established. They will not bend to how men want to be served just like Elisha would not bend to how Naaman wanted to be served. They will only serve God, and they will make men angry because of the enmity it has with the will of men, because the will of God will not bend for men, and true Apostles and Prophets will not bend it for them because they are not the servant of men as men-pleasers but servants of God, pleasing Him. 

They are not out to please men, so if you want to be pleased by them, you need to be pleased with what God has for you. You want to be rejoiceful around these giftings, rejoice with the Truth because the Truth is what they will be speaking, and if the truth pleases you, you will be pleased of them. They will not please men, but they please all those who love the truth and love not their lives until the end. Those who want to be set apart. That want to be holy and acceptable before the Lord. That wish to be pleasing before God. That desire to have Elijah Fire to chase out all the false prophets. That desire pure, unadulterated truth. That want to be refined like Gold, resurrected on the third day, and come out from the old and into the new. Out from heaviness and into freedom. That want true joy, peace, and righteousness in the Holy Ghost. Those who want to be like Jesus and transformed into His image. Those who reject a form of Godliness and desire power. Those who wish to trade in what is corruptible for what is incorruptible. Those who wish to be unspotted from the world and save souls all around the world. Those who are willing to pick up their cross and deny themselves. Who are willing to leave everything behind to follow Jesus. Those who are willing to pay the price and endure the sufferings of Christ. To put their pride aside and humble themselves under the mighty hand of God. These are their friends. All those that obey the instruction of an Apostolic Voice, the Authority of a Prophetic Voice. 

Those who are ready to be consumed with the Zeal for His house, who are ready to burn with jealous love for His Bride to return to its first Love. The same Spirit that was in Elijah is in them, and how they wish that that fire be kindled in you! That same Fire that was in Elijah, that it may be in you! They will soak you in the water of the Word and come with a Fire so hot that it soaks that water dry. Their ministry is followed by Fire. Are you willing to enter it? Are you willing to be consumed by it? Then you are ready to be a friend of an Apostle, a friend of a Prophet, a friend of Elijah!

By Joe Pinto



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