Opportunity to Sow Seeds


The Word of God tells us not to be ignorant about the spiritual gifts inside of us, but today we will focus on another matter of ignorance. The Word of God tells us not to be ignorant concerning the devices of devil (2 Corinthians 2:11). We do not fear him, the devil. We do not listen to him. We do not worry about him. We do not give him glory! We do not pay attention in a way that he matters! But what we cannot be is ignorant that he is in the world to deceive it. Do not be ignorant that he is wanting to entrap you, ensnare you, and take you captive at his will. That’s what he wants! The devil has been defeated on the cross, “yes”, but he is still around. Don’t be ignorant! 

There are so many teachings out there that lead us to think that the devil does not exist. There are even doctrines being taught. But even after Jesus said, “It is finished”; even after He took the keys and tore the veil, even after all of that, why in Acts 5:3 did Peter ask Ananias why: But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost?” That means God through Peter judged them for allowing, listening, and following satan’s plan. Peter did not say, “Oh, God is teaching you a lesson.” He asked them clearly, “Why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost.” Time after time, we see in other books many authors warning the churches about the wiles of the devil.

Read 2 Corinthians 2:1-11. We know he cannot touch you unless he can trick and deceive you! You have the power. God gave you the authority. Yes, when we are in Christ we are protected, but then he waits to deceive us, and if you give in to the devil, you become a slave to lies! Everybody knows what to do to defeat him, but when it is time, nobody wants to do it. Your obedience will always be shown to everyone. Obedience to God or obedience to God’s Word. Authority given must be taken. Jesus on the cross finished His triumphant victory over the devil. So, we can have the grace to withstand him, resist him, and defeat him with the help of the Holy Spirit. Religion will always try to justify your failures as if God is teaching you something, but most of the time this is all part of satan’s plan to stop your progress! 

The devil is still on this Earth to buffet us, not to overcome us! If we are supposed to be in Christ, we are supposed to walk like Christ. Many even say, “Ignore the devil, don’t focus on him,” without knowing that satan is already devouring them for being ignorant at his devices. We don’t pay homage to the devil but we cannot be ignorant of his devices! You have the power, don’t hand it over to the devil. Yes, ignore him but know that he is after us.

Read Ephesians 4:22-32. If you are part of the body, he is after you, and if you don’t think that way, you are already being ignorant of his devices! Some have become a slave by listening to the anti-Christ’s verbiage! Don’t be ignorant that you can become his play toy because you believe his lies over the Word of God! When we do not do the word of God, we are just a hearer of the Word of God, and we are believing a lie, actually we are listening to false doctrines that leave out parts of the written Word in the name of love. I have even heard many turning satan into a fictitious character that does not exist. Don’t be ignorant! 

Some may ask how do we do it? Read James 1:21-25. Receive with meekness the engrafted Word that is able to save your soul, but be a doer of the Word. “I recite the scriptures... “…but I ask you, “Have you lived your recited scripture?” Whatever Jesus spoke, He lived it! Those who are not a doer of the Word are like a man that sees himself in a mirror but forgets who He is – a new man in Christ! Doing the Word means doing exactly the opposite of what you want to do. It’s straight obedience.

What people don’t preach is very dangerous; for example, many don’t preach, “DON’T BE IGNORANT AT THE DEVIL’S DEVICES.”

“Obedience” you see now that we are saved. We have the Grace to overcome every situation. That means YOU have the power. So, in a nutshell, you have the power to let satan mess with you and you have the power to resist him. People hate to hear that because they want to blame the devil for everything. Or blame it on their circumstances and live their whole life as a victim. This is called rebellion and disobedience. If we think we can outsmart the enemy with our own wisdom, that is pride, and he may be able to touch you! People ask for prayers saying the devil is trying to do this when what happened was that they fell into his traps. At the same time, some say, “The devil can’t touch me,” or “Jesus took him out,” or “Not me. I am a child of God.” These words sound so good, but they say that when they are already in chains while satan is laughing in silence.  This is why Paul said, “Do not be ignorant of his devices.” Do not let him oppress you or deceive you. Don’t be ignorant! 

Read 2 Peter 3:16-18. God does not want you to be tormented by the devil but to be a devil tormenter! Read 1 Corinthians 10:5-14. The Word is written for our admonition. Let those who think they stand be not ignorant of the devil’s devices, so we can stand!  There is always a door of escape! “The devil can’t touch me, I am a child of God,” but if you are ignorant of his devices, he will touch you! Don’t be ignorant. The only way for satan to have his will is if he has yours! Yes! He is there to change your mind to his, to make you think like him. This is why the Word of God has to wash and renew our mind! 

Read 1 Timothy 3:6-7. We don’t want to be an example of what Christianity is not about to the unsaved! Let us be an example of the glory of God.  We cannot be ignorant! Read 2 Timothy 2:19-26. Don’t be prideful. Be bold as a lion. But to be bold you need to walk in righteousness! Then you must submit to God and resist the devil. 

We must call unto the Lord every day. We need to wake up in the morning and say, “God, let me not fall into the snare that I fell into yesterday!” The Word tells us to recover ourselves out of the snares of the devil when we are captive by the devil’s will. Don’t be ignorant of that! His strategies, his plots, his tricks, his schemes, his illusions, and his ways: Don’t be ignorant! He won’t waste his time on people that he cannot get to! He will try, but they are not ignorant to fall into his snares and devices! So, he finds easy prey. Who is that? Those who are ignorant of his devices, those who do not forgive, those who do not know the Word of God, and those who do not do the Word of God. Just because you considered yourself saved, does not mean that you know the written Word. Many want God to write the Word on their hearts without ever knowing the Word. That is not wise. If you do not renew your mind, you will still think like the old man. Transformation is a dance with the glory and the power of God. 

Read James 4:4-10. We can’t be a friend of the spirit of this age and the Holy Spirit at the same time. God is giving more grace to the humble. You want more grace? Obey the Word of God. Being humble is obeying the Word. A double-minded man cannot receive grace from God, he cannot receive anything from God! If you said, “I can’t do this,” you are an unbeliever! If you just obey Him, you can do all things! Grace is for the doers! Everyone loves to recite Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me” when it comes to job promotion or stepping out in a new direction, but what about, “I can do ALL THINGS THAT THE WORD TELLS ME through Christ who strengthens me”? This possibility about being a doer of the Word is what this verse really means. Submit yourself to God. Who is God? The Word made flesh! Submit yourself to the Word! Be afflicted and mourn and God will exalt you! 

“Father, we don’t want to pay attention to the devil, but we can’t be ignorant! We know if we not DO your Word, if we do not follow your Word, the devil will come and take us captive at his will! Help us not to fall into any snare of the devil and not to give a place to the devil. The enemy is here to kill, destroy, and steal, but I will not worry about that. I will be concerned about obeying you! I will not be ignorant at his devices! We ask you, Father, help us not to forget your warnings about the devil. I want to mess him up. We are called to destroy the works of the devil, not to follow his will! In confidence in you, Jesus, we pray that we not only hear this Word, but we will be doers, daily! We want to fulfill the righteousness of Christ and not give place for the devil, and never again be ignorant of his devices. In the mighty name of Jesus!” Shane Roessiger

FULL MESSAGE https://youtu.be/OefPLiGJMLQ

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